Robert Schumann gave up the study of law to pursue music as a pianist, composer and critic. “Kym”, as we refer to him in our common community, did the opposite. He left a budding career as a college professor of music and pianist to become a corporate lawyer. Economics doesn’t trifle with aestheticians!
Of course, it could never have meant the passion had left. At some level, it was always there, if for the most part from another form of bench. The studious, thoughtful characteristics defining his work in music allowed him to make the abrupt change of entering a difficult challenge. By his measurement, he left at least public performance for twenty-seven years.
Now, over three decades beyond that turn in the road, he will be on the stage of Tryon Fine Arts Center for a TGIF concert Friday, March 8th at 6:00. Back at the piano for eight years or so, he’s given memorable performances throughout our area, but this is his first in the TCA concerts. The fire of his early years has grown to full blossoming in a new freedom, the twilight of his days in law.
There is an eerie synchronicity in Kym’s playing with Schumann and his world. This world included Franz Liszt, a different view, but complementary. Together, it is a marvelous view of a world Kym will show us. And, I believe we’ll see and hear, perhaps for the first time, Kymric Mahnke, the artist, as he was as a young man.