It was an enchanting evening, awhile back, dark earlier, before the time change.
That was Friday, February 23, before another weekend. Two sisters they were, violinist
Johanna Mulfinger Lebo, cellist Sharon Mulfinger Gerber—two from a family of eleven children. But they’d met another, guitarist Amy Brucksch, along the way.
It’s been awhile since that TGIF event at TFAC when for a sweet hour the three in black against
magenta lighting left behind the present, the clamor, the din. The memory of them, the beauty!
Quiet excitement entered at times into the inexplicably exotic. But it was more than that. We’d come to anchor. These were our better angels. Here was a peace unchallenged.
Amazing to me were the textures of sound from the group, Trio Tapestry. The cello had a marvelous depth to it when required; the guitar, amplified, provided a sublime rhythm; the violin a sweetness and assurance of purpose.
As we passed through the Spanish courtyards and byways, walking even with Mozart after he lost his mother, or finding ourselves with Egyptians in Byzantium, it became clearer we were coming to ourselves. The titles of the pieces were “Awakening”, “Freedom to Go”, “Learning”, “Moving On”, “A New Beginning”.
So this is just to remember that we were there. That they were us. And we were they.